Monday, April 3, 2023

A Lament and Prayer for Ukraine

 A Lament and prayer for Ukraine following the full scale invasion by Russia 24th Feb 2022.

 'A Bloodied Flag'

Shock and awe on our screens
Daily feed of a Europe war time theme
Bloodied flag of blue and yellow there
Stands alone against the Russian bear

We are on our knees in prayer,
We daren’t provoke the beast
We open our hearts and homes
Sanctions, send supplies, it is the least

O Lord in your mercy turn Goliath away
Avenge and may the courage of David win the day
May they reap what they have sown
Peacemakers will stand before your throne 

Your Word tells us these times must come
For your sovereign will is done
Yet have mercy on the people of Ukraine
That they may prevail and rise again.

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