Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Remembrance- time and place

From Bath Chronicle-Time And A Place  We will not be silent... too many people die needlessly in war... There is no need for war... etc. Each time she was asked to be quiet - No, I will not be silent... The guy from the Black Watch and the PCSO were having a chat with her at the end.  Lone woman at Weston Remembrance 100 service, using her free speech to protest about the very thing which allows her that luxury.

Remembrance At Weston  11th November 2018


Step forward young and old around Weston Memorial, 11th of the 11th in bright sunshine, adorned in red. 


Earlier that morning alone, exactly 100 years before, 2738 had died, 10,944 injured on the Western Front. The last soldiers had stepped up and gone over the top at 4.20am, the Armistice signed at 5am in a railway carriage in the Forest of Compiegne, France.

37 million dead. The Great War had ended the war to end all wars!


Step forward the marching band getting louder along the street, like a pied piper drawing a swelling crowd to the Cross. 


Stepping forward church Minister robed in black welcomes and bowler hatted Deputy Lord Lieutenant inspects the Guards. Prayer and hymn break the silence


...Oh Trinity of love and pow'r

Our brethren shield in danger's hour,

From rock and tempest, fire and foe,

Protect them where so e'er they go.

Thus evermore shall rise to thee

Glad praise from air and land and sea


Stepping forward the bible is read (John 15.12-17)

 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.  You are my friends if you do what I command.  I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.  You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. This is my command: Love each other.


Stepping forward a poem is read,

'In Flanders Fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row....'


And exhortation

'...At the going down of the sun and in the morning,

We will remember them.  We will remember them'


Step forward bugler, the Last Post is sounded and silence falls,  but now is broken as a woman steps forward from the crowd, raises a banner, cries for peace, and to put down arms. 'Be quiet woman' someone shouts, but continues 'We will not be quiet, too many die needlessly in war'. Further shouts to be quiet are made as she goes on. A Scout leader and Police step forward and quieten the lady. Peace is restored.


Reveille is sounded and wreaths are laid. A boy and a girl step forward and the names are read


Johnston A G, Newman V, Newman V N, Butler S, Humphris H W, Humphris E G, Lean H H, Blackmore F, Bond E F, Bond G E, Bond W J, Pickett A, Pickett F, Anstey F, Andrews A, Bourne R C, Frankham H F, Gillard A, Gillard F, Hawkins A, Higgins H C, Hobbs W, Holbrow B, Kite G, Lewis C, Lewis A, Lewis W, Lewis E, Marshall T, Old W, Perry W, Richards A, Sheppard J, Slee W, Toogood J T. 


Now stepping forward a Lieutenant Colonel from the Black Watch, resplendent in tartan kilt, feather bonnet, and white spats with dagger positioned in his sock reads the resolve;


Let it be our resolve that the sacrifices made in war shall not be in vain

Let it be our resolve that we shall strive with unshakable faith and unswerving purpose for peace and justice for all mankind

Let it be our resolve to dedicate our lives to the service of Christ, who gave his life for all.

Let us give thanks that Christ has free us from the fear of death and given us eternal hope


At the close, I Vow To Thee My Country sounds, a blessing is given and God save the Queen is sung. The parade steps back, the people step forward to the church for a Peace Lunch.


Meanwhile, the Colonel and Protester are seen to step aside for quite a chat!


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