Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Swallows Return

 Spotting one's first swallow of the season is a joy. A glade in Branscombe East Devon, 2015.Sketch Harry Cottey.

Swallow's Return

To chance upon a watery glade and watch the soaring, swooping, darting of forklike wings.

Home from African skies to have their young, insects become sweet nourishment taken on the wing.

And whilst one swallow doesn’t make a Summer, it certainly makes a Spring.


Now an Autumn chill sweeps through, and turns the leaves from green. All nature moves, makes ready, Summer days have been.

Fledged and flighted, young take their final fill at the glade, adventures about to begin.

And whilst fifty swallows on a wire doesn’t make an Autumn, surely Winter's drawing in.

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