Thursday, April 6, 2023

A Short Story- Bruce The Christmas Spruce

 A short story to Catherine,  niece Claire and nephew Tom. December 1988

Bruce the Christmas Spruce

Christmas is coming, Christmas is coming, Christmas is coming!


So the words whistled in the wind around the forest, high up in the glen.


Bruce the Scottish spruce knew as well as any, having seen it all before, but this year he had a feeling things were going to be different. Standing ten feet tall he was truly a fine pine, braving the worst storms and providing shelter for creatures below.


Bruce could now see the workers approaching armed with saws and spades, ready to take the Christmas stock of trees. A hush fell upon the forest and a sapling was heard to say to his older neighbour,


‘I don’t want to go, don’t let them cut me down’


‘Stop pining!’  Came the reply, ‘this is what you were planted for!’


Bruce had his needles crossed as the men worked nearby. The sound of the saw sent shivers down his pine, and yes he was right, it was going to be different this year….it was his turn!


The saw was put to the bottom of the tree and Bruce closed his eyes in despair for what was to come.


‘Don’t cut me down, don’t cut me down’, he cried.


At that moment the man stopped as though someone had spoken to him and he put the saw down, picked up a spade and dug Bruce up roots and all!

Bruce could not contain his relief and thanked the man for the chance to live.


It was a bumpy journey in the back of the trailer with all those Christmas trees- it gave him pins and needles, Soon,however, Bruce could see the town lights and the hustle and bustle of Christmas shoppers.


‘Where am I going, who is going to buy me, oh I want to live’. These were the thoughts that filled his mind.  


‘£10, huh, I thought I was worth more than that, still I’ll be a bargain for someone’.


And no sooner had he said this than a couple picked him up and put him in the back of their Land rover. On the journey Bruce had company too. Claire and Tom talked excitedly of how they were going to decorate the tree. They were really nice; perhaps things were not going to be so bad after all.  


Bruce looked a picture in the drawing room even though he didn’t believe in fairies and would have preferred an angel on top. The white lights sparkled and really set him off. For a moment he saw himself waltzing across the floor with Ruth, an old friend in the forest- what a sweet fragrance she had!


Soon the Christmas festivities were in full swing and Bruce loved every minute, especially covering up the presents on the tree with his branches so that Claire and Tom had difficulty finding them.


On New Years day though Bruce felt really unwell and it wasn’t due to too much Christmas pudding that was for sure. His needles were dropping like nine pins and he needed water quickly if he was to survive- had the family forgotten he was alive?


Bruce started counting the days of Christmas on what was left of his needles, but his pining must have been heard for as the family sang ‘On the 12th day of Christmas’, Claire said


‘Come on we’re going to plant you outside and watch you grow!’


Bruce’s face unknotted and his shrivelled trunk creaked with sighs of relief,


‘A chance to live, but can I survive after losing so many needles?’


Luckily the family were keen gardeners and gave Bruce FIRst Aid and he not only survived but grew into the finest Scots Pine in the land. 

Birds and small creatures would come from afar just to nest in his branches, and what he loved more than anything was when Claire and Tom climbed right to the top of the tree, that really tickled. But little did they know that as the children looked out they could see the forest he came from, and his heart went out to that place.


One night Bruce had a dream that he was back in the forest with his friends and it was Christmas again. This time though he didn’t hear the whistle in the wind…


Christmas is coming, Christmas is coming, Christmas is coming!


No, it was a new sound, that was vibrant and exciting….


Jesus is coming, Jesus is coming, Jesus is coming!


Then the trees started singing with joy….

 (Isaiah 55)


‘Oh he comes to judge the earth

He will judge the world in righteousness

And the peoples in truth 

(Psalm 96:12)


The noise became louder and louder as a mighty wind blew through the forest causing the branches to rustle with joy. A shout went up and then Bruce saw an amazing thing….the trees actually started to clap their branches, singing again and again the words he had heard, as they swayed together in the wind.  ‘Oh he comes to judge the earth……’


Bruce was so excited his needles stood on end and he just felt he had to join in, swaying to and fro. Oh how he wanted the dream to go on forever.


Suddenly he stopped… and realised it wasn’t a dream at all… but that it was actually happening. He knew then that it really would go on forever and ever. 


(Finish with chorus- You shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace and the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you. There’ll be shouts of joy and the trees of the fields shall clap, shall clap their hands.

And the trees of the field shall clap their hands and the trees of the field shall clap their hands, and the trees of the field shall clap their hands, and you’ll go out with joy. Songs of Fellowship 640)



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