Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Beyond The Door- is there another dimension?

 Is there another dimension?  Revelation chapter 4.  18th December 2011,

Beyond The Door


Beyond the door

Hallelujah Chorus announces Advent come

Sweet the sound the message of the prophets sung


Market traders store their wares

Sup on festive brew and think how they did fair


Beyond the door

Homeless wait to enter in

Food and shelter beckoning


The shift prepares to brave a wintry night

Slipping and sliding to drunken fights


Crates of citrus a perfume made

Van speeds early hours to catch the High Street trade


Parents shed a tear at the nativity

They too once were shepherds, wise men and Virgin Mary


Beyond the door

Holly and mistletoe adorn

The sledge awaits, a glistening dawn


Lessons and carols by candlelight

Capture the mood, the eve of Christmas night


Sleepy children, stockings at their feet

Those who believe Father Christmas meets


Beyond the door

The bells are rung, the day has come

Happy Birthday, God’s only son


Family, friends, the feast begins

The bird, the pudding and 5 gold rings


Beyond the door

Angels, Living creatures around the throne

Cry Holy Holy Holy, and worship him alone

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