Thursday, April 6, 2023

When Things Get Tricky In The Family

On Catherine’s 60th Birthday celebration lunch with friends at The Bath Priory Hotel 25th Sept 2021. Proverbs 17.7

When Things Get Tricky in The Family 

When things get tricky in the family
You're hurt and start to see red
When there's fallings out, misunderstandings
The next contact we begin to dread

Friends soothe the troubled waters
With a listening ear
Friends bring relief and strengthen you
In laughter and in tears

When things get desperate in the family
And even angels fear to tread
When you have done all you can
But still toss and turn in bed

Friends come in like lifeguards
And throw you a rescue line
They pull you in to a better place
There to give you time

Friends, and family
How precious are the two.
And as they say, 'a friend in need is a friend indeed',
There, just for you.

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