Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Day In The Life Of A Hen

 Its fun trying new things and we've really enjoyed keeping hens over the years either in the garden, or on the allotment, free ranging or confined!  Kiki, Lady Penelope and Inspector Speckly. Dec 2013. Sketch Harry Cottey

Day in the life of a hen


Peck, stretch, drink, shake, preen, pooh, peck, scratch, feed, peck, peck, scratch, preen, lay egg, sound off, peck, scratch, peck, peck, peck, peck, scratch, run, stretch, jump, dust bath, drink, feed, pooh, peck, peck, peck, look, listen, drink, dust bath, feed, roosting bar, pooh, sleep, pooh, sleep, pooh, sleep, pooh, sleep, sleep, sleep.

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