Thursday, April 6, 2023

There Was A Young Virgin

What does Christmas mean to you?    December 2012

There was a young Virgin

There was a young virgin, a Nazarene

Pledged to Joseph who had a dream

The child she would bear, 'God with us' there

The world through him would redeem


To Bethlehem travel and register

They could find no place to rest for her

When time for the birth, there was only the earth

Out the back was best they could do for her


The shepherds were shocked at the news

Even the sheep were looking bemused

But the angel was right and there in the night

The baby in manger they viewed


Wise men travelled in from the east

And asked Herod where was the feast

The feast of the king born King of the Jews

We’ve followed his star from the east


To the house the star came to rest

The wise men entered and blessed

Blessed and worshipped the child there lay

And gifts they gave of their best


Eight days passed, to the temple they went

Named Jesus and the cut underwent

Prophetic manna from Simeon and Anna

Blessed them as Galilee bent


When Herod realised he'd been outplayed

By the Magi who'd gone on their way

The boys were slaughtered, he gave the order

There was weeping and wailing for days


Then Joseph warned in a dream

Took child and Mary unseen

From Bethlehem fled, to Egypt led

Away from Herod’s cruel scheme


In time an angel appeared

There was now no need for fear

To Nazareth led they made their bed

In wisdom and grace he was reared.

....The child she would bear, 'God with us' there

The world through him would redeem

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