Wednesday, March 15, 2023

The Mary Stanford

On holiday with Simon & Jayne at Winchelsea, East Sussex, June 2008.Sketch Harry Cottey.

The Mary Stanford

Sea and shingle is the story of Winchelsea,

Defence against the enemy, defence against the sea.

Of Martello Towers, Camber Castle, Cinque Ports, groyne,

Where buzzard, bugloss, sheep and salt marsh join.


Yet, all alone with poignancy

A derelict lifeboat house I see...

Yes, to see and ponder,

Brave acts, accident, fate and destiny.


For on that morning The Mary Stanford boat was sent

To stricken Alice Of Riga bent,

And not knowing that Smyrna had rescue made,

Dear Mary searched upon the waves.

Until, at last sea took all seventeen crew,

Herbert Head, Chas Pope, Henry Cutting but a few.


And now at rest in Rye Harbour Churchyard there

One stands in quiet as birdsong fills the air.

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