Thursday, November 9, 2023

Are There Any Trees Left In Gaza- A Lament


Are There Any Trees Left In Gaza- A Lament

Are there any trees left in Gaza
Any joy any hope to be found
Bombs falling tears falling, falling
Down the cheeks onto the blood soaked ground.

The land, the Holy Land where Jesus Prince of Peace once walked 
Now an open prison of heart ache and despair,
Cannot a way be found for Israel Palestine that is just that is fair.

Lord have mercy on these people
May peacemakers on the ground prevail, 
And times be understood with angelic battles
Within the heavenly veil

For you are the way-make a way where there seems no way, of forgiveness, 
And let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream! ¹

You are the truth- bring down the lie,  which sets itself up against you, 
Exposed and triumphed over at the cross, that your kingdom may fully come.

You are the life-  may you be seen in the rubble and tears, through helping hands, 
And may many turn to you for eternal life.

Are there any trees left in Gaza any joy any hope.... 
Yes in the God of all hope they are truly to be found. 

¹ Amos 5.24

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