Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Who Is This?

 Who Is This?

Song inspired from Luke 8:25. 1994. No one comes remotely close in my view, but then again we don't have to be if He is in us.

Who is this that calls the wind and the waves

To be still at his spoken word

And walks upon the water

As it were the dry land

Who is this that changed the water to wine

And fed the thousands too

And said cast your nets upon the other side

The fish are there for you


Jesus Lord you are the one who’s turned the world around

Displaying the mighty power of God right throughout the land,

And now the Spirit’s in our hearts and we have faith too

In the name of Jesus those mountains move.

Who is this that cast out evil spirits

And heals the sick and lame

Who restores the broken hearted

And raise the dead from their graves

Who is this that we should stand in awe

As he taught with authority

Words bringing life

The truth to set us free


Who is this that sweat those precious drops of blood

In Gethsemane

And on the cross a pierced loving heart

Dying for you and me

Who is this that death could not hold

The royal battle won

And now we have faith to believe for the kingdom of the son

And now we have faith to believe for the kingdom of the son.

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